Health & Exercise

Two men walking and laughing with a Camino smart walker

Walker, Rollator, and Camino: What's the Difference and How Do You Choose?

Is it time to look into getting a walker? If you or a senior you know gets tired easily while walking, has difficulty balancing, or is at risk of falling, consider a mobility device like a walker, rollator, or the smart, electric-powered Camino. But how do you choose a walker? And what are the pros and cons of each device? Since staying active is key to aging well and each device has its own advantages, here’s a quick breakdown of features to help you make the best choice.


Traditional Two Wheeled Walker with Tennis Ball and Man's Feet
  • What is a walker?

A walker is a frame (typically made of metal) with handles and legs that offers support and stability while walking. 

  • How do you use a walker?

Walker users lift the walker, move it forward, then step forward to meet the walker’s new position.

  • Who is a walker for?

Anyone who has difficulty walking and needs extra support.

  • Is a walker right for me?

Since walkers need to be lifted to be used correctly, you should have the adequate upper-body needed to do so. Keep in mind that traditional walkers are also hard to manoeuvre in tight areas or on uneven surfaces, and usually do not come equipped with a seat.


Traditional Four Wheel Rollator With Basket and Hanging Wires In Corridor
  • What is a rollator?

A rollator is similar in construction to a walker, but is equipped with wheels, handbrakes, and a seat to use when resting.

  • How do you use a rollator?

Rollator users push the rollator forward using handles, following closely behind the device. Handbrakes are used to stop the rolling motion.

  • Who is a rollator for?

Rollators are great for people who need more manoeuvrability and speed than a walker offers.

  • Is a rollator right for me?

Because they have wheels, you’ll need to be physically able to steer and apply hand brakes.  Many rollators are hard to fold up to store or place in your car trunk.  They often have hanging wires which can catch on to other things.  They can also be too broad to use at home.


Camino smart walker with gentle boost and braking.  Large comfortable seat and detachable seat back.
  • What is Camino?

Camino is the first smart electric-powered mobility device that boosts, brakes, nudges, detects, protects, and a whole lot of other magical things that help keep you moving—so you can keep doing what you love. Camino is an evolution of the rollator: A SmartWalking assistant equipped with autonomous power and brake assist, which provide a safe boost uphill and more control when walking downhill. Smart AI provides user stability tracking, gait data collection, and a continually-evolving panel of diagnostics. Camino’s connected services also enable remote care, biofeedback, and coaching.

  • How do you use Camino?

Just roll with it! Camino works similarly to a typical rollator, but with a few powerful updates: Camino’s electric-powered wheels assist you when walking uphill, and light-touch power brakes give you support while walking downhill. 

  • Who is Camino for?

Anyone who can benefit from using a rollator to walk. Whatever your activity level, walking has some truly amazing benefits. You’ll build muscle, strengthen bones, improve balance, lift your spirits, and engage more with the world around you. Camino is on a mission to help you discover the magic of movement, one step at a time.

  • Is Camino right for me?

If a traditional rollator is right for you, then Camino is, too! Unlike an old-school rollator, the electric-powered Camino encourages proper posture because the user doesn’t have to hunch over or stoop to push it. With power wheels, automatic braking, and diagnostics, Camino is a great choice for those who want a boost uphill, more stability downhill, easier maneuverability on uneven surfaces, and real-time diagnostics. Click here to learn more.


Whatever your mobility needs, there’s a device to fit your lifestyle. Be sure to talk to your doctor or physical therapist about your options, and for more information on how to choose and use a rollator or walker, check out this guide from the Mayo Clinic. 

Did you know that using a walker, rollator or Camino can help you gain the confidence and strength to walk more often? The Camino Smart Walker goes one step further and brings you power and AI control. Stylish, smart and simple to use. Come walk with Camino, and learn more here.

Camino First Mover Exclusive Offer

● Guaranteed early access to Camino One
● Discount of $500 to list price ($2,999 to $2,499 for a limited time after release)
● Low monthly payment subscriptions $50
● State Assistive Technology Program low-interest loans.

Limited time offer
All accessories included: Seat back, bag holder, cup holder.
No extra charge for access to the Companion App and features.
Owing to demand, deliveries will be in 2025.
Works out of box.
Telephone support.
60 day no quibble home trial.
2 year limited warranty.

Join the Waitlist to access this time-limited offer.
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