Health & Exercise

Lady Jane in a gorgeous pink roll neck jumper and her daughter eating cake at the garden table

Modeling, Movement, and the Perfect Red Lipstick: How Lady Jane Avis Ages Well

At 95 years old, Lady Jane Avis is an unlikely Instagram sensation, but her 24 thousand followers have elevated her to the status of Style Icon and Camino model. Take a peek at her profile and you’ll see Jane modeling dozens of striking, colorful, and expertly-accessorized outfits, complete with her trademark vibrant red lipstick. 

Modeling is nothing new to Lady Jane, who says,

“I started when I was very young in Chicago. It gave me a lot of fun experiences, and took me to New York, where I met a lot of people. It’s just enriched my life in so many ways.”

Her second act in the world of modeling came after a traumatic event. During the COVID-19 lockdown, Lady Jane shattered her femur and was temporarily unable to maintain the active lifestyle she was accustomed to. Her carer and stylist Jeannie suggested she set up an Instagram account, which quickly grabbed the attention of online fashionistas who leave hundreds (sometimes even thousands!) of adoring comments on every photo she posts.

There are some secrets to Lady Jane’s modern and sleek style, but she’s more than happy to share. “Everything has to match–I try to match everything,” she says. “That’s the important part.” As for the pieces she chooses to include in her extensive wardrobe, Lady Jane has one hard and fast rule: “I do not like old lady clothes! When I buy clothes,” she says, “I only buy things that I think are very interesting and fun.” Her style doesn’t stop at the sartorial, though. Lady Jane says, “My lipstick, of course, is very important. I never leave the house without red lipstick.” Her current favorite? Cherry Lush by Tom Ford.

Staying stylish takes stamina, and Lady Jane makes her health a priority, starting with what she eats. “I do try to be careful about my diet,” she says, “what I eat, drink, and so forth, because I think it plays a very important part in your physical abilities. Unfortunately, I’m very partial to dark chocolate, but I try not to overdo it.”

Lady Jane was an avid walker all her life

Lady Jane was an avid walker all her life, until she had to deal with the aftermath of surgery for her broken femur. When she came home from the hospital, she was physically unable to walk at all, but she found ways to incorporate movement into her daily routine, saying, “I exercise every day. Just to sit around…there’s nothing that will make it worse as far as I’m concerned.” To work her way back to walking, Lady Jane uses weight resistance for her upper body and resistance bands for her lower body.

Lady Jane uses a walker to get around, and she had the opportunity to try the Camino Smart Walker during a photo shoot by Advanced Style’s Ari Seth Cohen. Dressed in an eye-catching pink and red ensemble, she modeled the Camino while learning all about the electric-powered mobility device. “It was very very nice,” she says:

“Camino is the Rolls Royce of walkers. It’s a wonderful innovation and I think it’s going to be a marvelous product for many, many, many people.”

Senior Lady Jane at 95 Still Modeling Camino Smart Walker in Pink Jumper and Red Leggings

Keep Active

After the photo shoot, Lady Jane shared her advice for aging well. “Keep active, she said. “Don’t just settle back and relax and do nothing.”

 We hope Lady Jane has inspired you to move more.  Camino helps you walk easier, walk better and walk further so you can age well and have more fun.  Learn more about how walking helps you age well, click here.

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