When it comes to aging well, movement is magic…and walking has truly amazing health benefits for seniors. Why should older adults work on improving their walking techniques? Good walking posture can help protect your bones and joints from pain and injury, reduce fatigue, and improve your balance to keep you stable and on your feet. This how-to guide will teach you some simple tips to help Seniors walk better.
Why should older adults work on improving their walking techniques? Good walking posture can help protect your bones and joints from pain and injury, reduce fatigue, and improve your balance to keep you stable and on your feet.
The key to improving your walking posture is to be mindful of how you hold and move your body. Here’s what to think about as you walk:
Start with good shoes.
Choose well-fitting shoes with arch and heel support, cushioned insoles, and a sole with some grip.
Look forward and keep your head up.
Keeping your gaze 10-20 feet ahead of you can help you spot potential obstacles and avoid them.
Avoid slouching.
Think about elongating your spine as you walk to reduce strain on your back muscles.
Don't lean forward or backward…
…unless you’re leaning slightly forward from the ankles to walk uphill. Avoid leaning backward while walking downhill. Instead, try to keep your back straight.
Keep your shoulders down.
Relax your shoulders and try not to let them shrug up toward your ears.
Engage your core.
Envision pulling in your belly button toward your spine to take pressure off of your back muscles.
Gently swing your arms at your side.
Move from your shoulders, not your elbows.
Step from heel to toe.
Hit the ground with your heel first, then roll down to your toes.
Keep your strides at a natural length.
Don’t try to take longer steps than feel natural to you. This will help avoid putting stress on your legs.
Hold your hips in a neutral position.
Don’t tip them too far forward or backward or you’ll risk injury from over-arching your back.
Now that you know how to walk, check out “Seven Ways to Help Seniors Walk More” to find out how to incorporate more movement into your daily routine.
Walking a little more and more often is amazing for your health, and a walker can help you do just that. Did you know that using a walker can help you gain the confidence and strength to walk more often? The Camino Smart Walker goes one step further and brings you power and AI control. Stylish, smart and simple to use. Come walk with Camino, and learn more here.
Health & Exercise